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Achieve Your Goal Weight with a Gastric Sleeve

Weight loss is generally supposed to be a slow and steady process that results from a series of manageable and long-term lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, however, many people simply cannot afford to creep towards their weight loss goals at a veritable snail’s pace. This is especially true for people who are dealing with obesity-related health issues such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, or heart disease. If this sounds familiar, you may want to consider the benefits of getting a gastric sleeve. This revolutionary and incredibly popular option in bariatric surgery has helped countless people reshape their bodies, and their lives.

What Gastric Sleeve Surgery Involves

Also known as a sleeve gastrectomy, a gastric sleeve surgery is a procedure that is designed to permanently reduce the size of the patient’s stomach. When people are obese, they’ve often spent years maintaining dietary habits that have forced them to consume massive amounts of food in order to feel full. This is because long-term overeating causes the stomach to stretch. This gradual change in the size of this organ can make it incredibly difficult for people to practice the portion control and drastic calorie-cutting that’s essential for normalizing their body weight.

During this procedure, a considerable portion of the stomach is surgically removed, thereby leaving patients with less space to fill, and a far lesser compulsion to overeat. Once the treatment is done, the stomach will be smaller. Moreover, gastric sleeve surgery is additionally known to create a range of hormonal changes that curb the appetite in a long-term fashion.

Eliminate a Broad Range of Secondary Health Issues

One of the greatest benefits of undergoing this type of surgery is being able to address a broad range of obesity-related health issues. If you suffer from heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, then you probably lack the energy for implementing a rigorous workout plan and maintaining it. Given that you’ll be able to shed pounds at an incredibly rapid rate following your treatment, many of these health issues will quickly abate on their own. Moreover, you’ll soon finding yourself with plenty of stamina and energy for engaging in a variety of challenging fat-burning and muscle-toning activities.

Change Your Eating Habits in a Long-Term Fashion

There are a number of inherent challenges that come with dropping pounds when a person is already obese. Beyond having a larger-than-normal appetite and a larger-than-average-sized stomach, the typical gastric sleeve patient also struggles with emotional eating and diminished willpower. Making dramatic physical changes that limit the amount of food that the body is able to accommodate essentially gives dieters a greater ability to overcome these and many other weight loss obstacles that they face.

Get in touch with the professionals at Surgical Associates of South Florida to learn more about this amazing procedure. Contact us today to book your appointment at our office in Miami.

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