Teen Bariatric Surgery

Teen Bariatric Surgery

Take our bariatric quiz to see if you qualify.

    Unlock Your Teen's Confidence and Wellness Journey with our Teen Bariatric Surgery!

    Discover a Brighter, Healthier Future with Our Teen Weight Loss Surgery Program.

    Teen Bariatric Surgery at Miami VIP Surgery:

    At Miami VIP Surgery, we understand the unique challenges faced by teens aged 15-18 dealing with obesity. Our board-certified bariatric surgeon offers a concierge adolescent program tailored to their specific needs.

    The Challenge of Teen Obesity

    For adolescents struggling with obesity, frustration with their weight often goes hand in hand with related health and social issues. At Miami VIP Surgery, we want teens to lead healthy and happy lives.

    Our Adolescent Weight-Loss Surgery Program

    Our goal is to help teens with obesity live healthier and more active lives. Weight-loss surgery for teens, aged 15-18, can have numerous benefits, including increased self-esteem, improved or eliminated Type II diabetes, lower blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, and improved or resolved sleep apnea.
    teen bariatric surgery results

    Why Choose Us?

    All adolescent surgeries are performed at a Bariatric Center of Excellence, with a dedicated pediatric team.
    We offer one-on-one counseling with our surgeon at each monthly follow-up, involving both the teen and their parents to ensure comprehensive support and success.

    Is Adolescent Bariatric Surgery Right for You?

    Weight-loss surgery is not a one-size-fits-all solution. We require a commitment to a lifelong, healthy lifestyle. To be eligible for adolescent weight-loss surgery, the following criteria must be met:

    If adolescent weight-loss surgery is determined to be the right choice, we will guide you through the necessary steps to book the procedure:

    Personalized care plan, testing, and assessment, including consultations with a behavioral specialist.

    Review of dietary requirements and the surgical process.

    We typically perform a gastric sleeve procedure, which removes approximately 75% of the stomach.
    Follow-up appointments with the surgeon, dietitian, mental health professional, and others as needed.
    Monthly one-on-one visits with our board-certified surgeon, Dr. Keshavarzi.

    Teen Bariatric Surgery FAQ
    Miami VIP Surgery

    Welcome to Miami VIP Surgery! Below are frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding teen bariatric surgery. Please consult with Dr. Keshavarzi for personalized advice and information.

    Teen bariatric surgery refers to weight-loss procedures performed on adolescents or teenagers who are severely obese and have struggled to lose weight through conventional methods such as diet and exercise.

    Candidates are typically between 14 to 18 years old with a Body Mass Index (BMI) above 25 and life has been impacted in a negative way by excess weight. Each case is evaluated individually to determine candidacy.

    The duration of the surgery varies depending on the type of procedure, but generally, it can take about 1.5 hours and requires a one night stay in a bariatric center of excellence hospital.

    Recovery time varies but typically involves a hospital stay of 1 night. Teens will need to follow a strict diet and exercise plan while allowing their body to heal. Most patients state that they feel back to “normal” in about 3 days but many teens take about a week off from major activities.

    Yes, lifestyle changes are crucial for successful outcomes. This includes dietary modifications, regular exercise, and adherence to post-operative guidelines provided by our medical team.

    Weight loss varies among individuals. On average, patients may lose on average 70% or more of their excess body weight within the first year following surgery.

    Yes, regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor progress, address any concerns, and ensure the teen’s health and well-being. We prefer patients to come in at 1 week, 1 month, and then every month until a year post op to get optimal guidance and results.

    We do not work with insurance. This is an expedited concierge 1-year program that is $16,000. We perform teen bariatric surgery only at the bariatric center of excellence where there is a full pediatric team available.

    The first step is to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Keshavarzi. During this appointment, the doctor will evaluate your eligibility, discuss options, and outline the process moving forward. We will walk you through the rest once you make a decision.

    Please note that this FAQ serves as a general guide. Every patient’s situation is unique, and personalized advice should be obtained from our medical team at Miami VIP Surgery.

    Call our office
    reza with some clientes
    for a complimentary consultation. We are here to provide guidance and support at every step, ensuring a personalized care approach that sets your family up for the best results. Your teen’s health and happiness are our top priorities.
    reza with some clientes