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How a Sleeve Gastrectomy is Beneficial for Your Health

When you’ve tried everything to lose weight and see little success, then you might want to consider a sleeve gastrectomy. This is a weight loss procedure that is often reserved for those who are morbidly obese or who have significantly high BMI levels. It’s performed in a hospital, and you will likely stay in the hospital for a few days. However, there are several benefits that outweigh the work that it will take and the changes that you’ll make to lose weight.

A sleeve is created during the surgery using staples. Once the sleeve is created, then the doctor will remove the rest of your stomach. This will allow you to eat less at one time, which means that you will be able to focus on eating healthy foods that your body needs instead of eating foods that don’t have the vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. A benefit of a sleeve gastrectomy is that it will prevent you from consuming too many calories at one time. If you eat too much food, then you’ll feel physically sick because your stomach isn’t as large as it was and can’t support the extra food.

You will notice that your weight loss will be significant over the first few months after surgery until you plateau and get closer to your goal weight. You can then begin to focus on targeting specific areas of your body and various muscle groups, such as your arms or abdomen. When you begin losing weight after your sleeve gastrectomy, you’ll be able to move around better. This will allow you to walk more and take part in more activities that you were able to before surgery. As you begin moving around, you’ll notice that it will be easier to breathe and that you’ll want to take part in more activities. You’ll be able to enjoy time with your family and friends instead of staying inside all the time.

At Surgical Associates of South Florida, Dr. Keshavarzi has developed the Easy-Step Sleeve Program™ (ESSP™) to help patients like you. The ESSP™ was designed to help you go from the consultation to the actual surgery in just three weeks. This means the process is much easier, because our staff does the work of helping you figure out which appointments you need a head of time, as well as dealing with the insurance company for you so you don’t have to jump through hoops. The ESSP™ was created with you in mind, so why not take advantage of this program and this procedure to help you get your life back?

Surgical Associates of South Florida is conveniently located in Miami, FL. Contact us today to schedule your consultation, where we will determine whether or not you are qualified for this procedure.

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