Easy-Step Gastric Sleeve Program™ (ESSP)
Easy-Step Gastric Sleeve Program™ (ESSP)?
Who wants to take 6-12 months jumping through hoops to qualify for bariatric surgery, and after all of that be told that you don’t qualify? Instead, Dr. Keshavarzi, MD, FACS, a bariatric fellowship trained surgeon and the founder and lead surgeon of Miami VIP Surgery, LLC has developed Easy-Step Sleeve Program™ (ESSP) to address this common problem.
Miami VIP Surgery are committed to providing patients in the Miami area of Florida with personalized, comprehensive, and compassionate bariatric care. If you’d like more information about our practice or are interested in scheduling a consultation appointment with Dr. Keshavarzi to see if you qualify for a sleeve gastrectomy, contact us today.

Expedited Gastric Sleeve Program FAQ
Think a gastric sleeve could benefit you? Let us help you reach your full health and wellness potential– contact Miami VIP Surgery today to schedule a consultation appointment for this life changing procedure. Offering sleeve gastrectomy surgery for patients in the Miami, South Miami, Coral Gables, Pinecrest, and Palmetto Bay areas.
What is a Sleeve Gastrectomy?
A sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical procedure, during which the outer margin of the stomach is removed to limit food intake, leaving behind only a small sleeve of the stomach. This gastric sleeve is roughly the size of the banana. Sleeve gastrectomies are performed with the overall goal of allowing patients to lose weight and improving the condition of the medical problems that come with obesity, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and hypertension.
How Does it Work?
Sleeve gastrectomies help patients lose weight in two key ways: by decreasing the overall size of the stomach and removing the portion of the stomach that releases hormones responsible for feelings of hunger.
During a sleeve gastrectomy, most of the stomach is permanently removed, leaving behind only a gastric sleeve that is roughly the size of a banana. This includes the upper portion of the stomach that releases hormones that stimulate feelings of hunger. The entire surgical procedure typically takes between one and two hours to complete and is performed with the daVinci® surgical robot. Because the overall size of the stomach is significantly decreased, patients are able to feel full after consuming fewer calories.
How Long Does the Whole Process Take?
For young and healthy patients who have no major health issues, we guarantee three weeks from consultation to surgery.
What is the ESSP™ Process Like?
Call our office or send us a consultation request and we will schedule your consultation. Once determined you are a good candidate for surgery, our office staff will arrange all your appointments including any necessary X-Rays, blood work, consultations and of course — the surgery.