Two old man cycling in an empty road

Why See a Bariatric Surgeon?

Bariatric surgery has produced positive results for individuals who have been battling with long-term obesity. It has helped these individuals get down to the weight that they want. There are individual circumstances that determine when a person will see or why a person will see a bariatric surgeon. There are also some questions that people have prior to having the surgical procedures performed.

For example, it is common for people to ask how long after surgery they will be out of work. Bariatric surgery is invasive, and it drastically changes the way parts of your body function. With this in mind, it is reasonable to expect that you will have some downtime as your body adjusts to the change. After surgery, many patients are able to get back to work in just a couple of weeks. Even with that, though, you will have low energy levels. It’s important to have a frank conversation with our bariatric surgeon and strictly follow the instructions that they provide.

Some people will go back to work as soon as possible, but it is important to remember your safety as well as the safety of people around you. Having low energy, weakness, and mental distraction can be dangerous to you and others at work. So it’s a good idea to pace yourself and be realistic about when you go back to work after bariatric surgery.

While you might not go back to work right away, your doctor is going to encourage you to start light exercise immediately. You’ll probably find that even during your hospital stay you’re going to be taken on short walks. The key to success is moderation. You’re going to have to pace yourself and listen to the signals that your body is giving you.

For the first month, you’re going to have to shy away from high impact sports or high-impact weightlifting. It may require you to change the way that you view playing sports. Swimming is a good sport to participate in following bariatric surgery. However, before you get into the swimming pool, make sure that your wounds have been completely healed.

Certain conditions, such as type II diabetes or heart disease, may make bariatric surgery more complicated. However, after surgery, almost everyone who has type II diabetes shows some improvement, and many individuals with type I diabetes even show improvement after they lose weight.

Bariatric surgery is going to lead to lifestyle changes that are going to affect you indefinitely. For this reason, it is good to have an open and honest discussion with our bariatric surgeon about the procedure and potential outcomes. Talk to them about your concerns, and let them work with you so that your surgery will be a success.

Our bariatric surgeon at Surgical Associates of South Florida is ready to help you make the changes you want to your body. We proudly serve clients in Miami and the surrounding areas. Give us a call today to schedule your comprehensive consultation.

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